Lincoln Lutheran ‘25

Class: Theology

World Religions Reflection


Scientology Project

In the last few weeks of the first semester in 8th grade we were assigned world religions to research. We were in groups of 3-4 and every group had a different religion.  As a class we started our research by comparing our religions to Christianity. We did a slideshow that had around 18 slides explaining many different aspects of the Scientology religion. We had 4 people in our group and each of us did 4-5 slides. I am most proud of my visuals on the slides. I was in charge of going back and making sure everything looked nice and tidy. I added in pictures which livened up the presentation. If I were to redo the project I would try to dig up more information about famous people in the religion. We only found 3 people and they weren’t that well known of people.



That’s a Wrap: Deleted Scenes Wrap Up

Deleted Scenes Wrap Up


When I made this project I was in 8th grade. This was a religion assignment. The goal of the assignment was to create a video. The video is supposed to depict what your group thought happened during the forty days after Jesus went into Heaven. 


My group thought that the disciples would minister to others during the forty days. We thought that if we were in the place of the disciples that we would minister. When the word about Jesus’ resurrection got around, we imagined that the Roman citizens were confused. We showed that the disciples were trying to capitalize on the people’s confusion.


I am most proud of the acting and editing. We did pretty well on depicting the timeline of events. However, we could’ve gone to more detail on the events of the disciples. We had ideas of searching for more disciples in the placement of Judas. If I could do the project over again I would want to add in a segment about the search of a replacement disciple.


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